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information & graphic arts technologies

Paoli – Stacy Johnson

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Office Phone: 812-723-4818, ext. 120

Career Pathways Offered: Graphic Imaging, Software Development, and Information Technology Support and Services

Classroom Location:  Lost River Career Cooperative, Paoli, IN 47454.

Program Descriptions: 

The career pathway Graphic Imaging currently uses Adobe Creative Cloud 2018 Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Animate, Audition, and Premiere Pro.  In these courses students will learn graphic design, color theory, typography, page layout, photography, illustration, animation, and audio/video production.

The career pathway Software Development currently uses the programming languages Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, and C#.  For the Website and Database Development classes students will use HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Structured Query Language (SQL), and Microsoft Access.  The other skills students will learn are: operating systems, database technology, security, cloud computing, logic development, and writing program code.

The career pathway Information Technology Support and Services courses will teach students the skills on using operating systems, how to install, configure and maintain devices/software, understand the basics of networking and security, computer maintenance, computer troubleshooting and repair, and cyber security.

All classes will be taught using up-to-date software and computer equipment to keep current with the Industry.  The students will demonstrate their computer skills by completing project-based learning activities.  Students have the opportunity to earn industry-based computer certifications, such as Adobe, A+, and Microsoft Access.

HS Credits per semester: 1 HS Credits per year: 2

Dual Credits: 3 college credits per year, per course

Dual Credits with Ivy Tech College, Bloomington, IN

Occupations upon completion of classes: Graphic Artist, Web Designer, Database Manager, Computer Repair Technician, Help Desk Specialist, Network Installer, Network Administrator, and Computer Programmer.

Offered At:

  • Paoli