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Health Science

West Washington – Mr. Eisele

Hello.  My name is Mr. Eisele.  I am a registered nurse and am the health occupations instructor for Lost River Career Cooperative at West Washington High School.  My room is set up in two segments.  The front of the class is set up for lecture and instruction.  The back of my class is set up as a nursing home room.  My room has two hospital beds and is set up to try to resemble as much as possible what it would look like to treat a resident in a nursing facility.
My classes are for nursing.  I offer one pathway for my classes and all my classes in the pathway are dual credit for Ivy Tech Community College. All of our supplies used in the class are the current supplies students would see at any local nursing facility.  Upon completing my class, students will have the opportunity to receive a Certified Nursing Assistant certification through the Indiana State Department of Health.  Students would spend the majority of their senior year in my class in the facility training to become a CNA by completing the rigorous training needed to work in the field.  Many students in my classes pursue health careers in college such as Nursing, physicians, pharmacy, among others.
If you are interested in learning more about my program for Lost River at West Washington High School, please contact me at