West Washington – Mr. Dennis Tankersley
Hello! Hello my name is Dennis Tankersley and I teach Construction/ Engineering/ and Manufacturing courses through Lost River Career Cooperative at West Washington Jr./Sr. High School.
Our facilities at Washington meet the growing demand for bridging the skills gap students face after high school in industry. With our 6000 square-foot wood and metal manufacturing shop and over a quarter of a million dollars in industrial grade machines, students are exposed to real world work related projects. Our 1200 square foot engineering lab is equipped with 32 HP laptops where we run Autodesk Suite for Inventor and Revit 3D modeling programs. I currently have 2 pathways with Construction Trades 1 as an alternative. Students take our Industrial Arts classes to get immersed in the plan to build experience. Students take their designs from an Engineers notebook to a 3D modeling program and then either 3D print parts or fabricate their product out of wood, plastics, or metal in the shop.
Engineering Pathway:
The Engineering pathway has 3 Project Lead the Way (PLTW) classes. Introduction to Engineering and Design (IED), Principles of Engineering (POE), and Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA). All of these courses are offered as dual credit from IVY TECH.
Introduction To Engineering and Design: (IVY Tech Course- DESN 101 Intro to Design Technology)
Students learn the value of the design process. We use this to solve all engineering problems throughout the program. Students also learn to be proficient in the reading, designing, and applications of blueprints. The students develop hand sketches using 2D and 3D drawing techniques as well as Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Principles of Engineering: (IVY Tech Course- DESN 104 Mechanical Graphics)
Students focus on the process of applying engineering, technological, scientific, and mathematical principles in the design, production, operation of products, structures, and systems. Students will engage in research, development, planning, design, production, and project management to stimulate a career in engineering. Students will be introduced to VEX robotics. We have over $12,000 of VEX equipment for the students to design and build working models with digital and analog sensors and programming with RobotC.
Civil Engineering and Architecture: (IVY Tech Course- DESN 105 Architectural Design 1)
CEA is a course outlined to focus on the history of civil engineering and building on those principles to design in 3D modeling software Autodesk Revit. Students will design , build, test, collect data, and present solutions to structural and other engineering practices. Civil Engineering and Architecture introduces students to the fundamental design and development aspects of civil engineering and architectural planning activities. Application and design principles will be used in conjunction with mathematical and scientific knowledge. Computer software programs should allow students opportunities to design, simulate, and evaluate the construction of buildings and communities. During the planning and design phases, instructional emphasis should be placed on related transportation, water resource, and environmental issues. Activities should include the preparation of cost estimates as well as a review of regulatory procedures that would affect the project design.
Manufacturing Pathway: The Manufacturing Pathway has 5 IVY Tech classes. Advanced Manufacturing Year 1-( MPRO 100), (MPRO 106), Advanced Manufacturing Year 2- (MPRO 102), (MPRO 122), (MPRO 201)
Advanced Manufacturing Year 1: (Ivy Tech Course- MPRO 100 Intro to Plant Floor / CNC Principles) & (Ivy Tech Course- MPRO 106 Intro to Workplace/Safety)
Introduction to Manufacturing is a course that specializes in how people use modern manufacturing systems with an introduction to manufacturing technology and its relationship to society, individuals, and the environment. An understanding of manufacturing provides a background toward developing engineering & technological literacy. This understanding is developed through the study of the two major technologies, material processing and management technology, used by all manufacturing enterprises. Students will apply the skills and knowledge of using modern manufacturing processes to obtain resources and change them into industrial materials, industrial products, and consumer products. Students will investigate the properties of engineered materials such as: metallics; polymers; ceramics; and composites. After gaining a working knowledge of these materials, students will study six major types of material processes: casting and molding; forming; separating; conditioning; finishing; and assembling.
Advanced Manufacturing Year 2: (Ivy Tech Course- MPRO 102 Intro to Print Reading) & (Ivy Tech Course- MPRO 122 Mechatronics Electrical Systems) &( Ivy Tech Course-MPRO 201 LEAN Manufacturing)