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Culinary Arts and Hospitality

Springs Valley – Mrs. Golden

Hello! My name is Mrs. Golden and I teach Culinary Arts courses through Lost River Career Cooperative at Springs Valley High School. Our newly renovated classroom has a certified food safe sanitary kitchen to work in. We have 5 culinary stations where students can get plenty of hands on cooking experience. We have a large 5 rack convection oven where we do lots of fund raising baking for our FCCLA club.  FCCLA stands for Family Career Community Leaders of America. This is a work based club in the Hospitality field and in the family and consumer science pathway. We do many fundraisers in a calendar school year in which students learn how to enterprise at learning to be an entrepreneur handling every aspect from ordering, figuring profit margins, purchasing ingredients and  producing the project, and  packaging, and delivering the products we manufacture in our kitchen utilizing food safety storage procedures.

I currently offer Intro to Culinary Arts and Hospitality that focuses on the basic of culinary where students learn knife skills, cooking techniques, and working in a group and utilizing group collaboration skills. We also focus on the safety and sanitation in the food service industry.

Culinary Arts I- Foods – In this class you will have an opportunity to earn dual credits through Ivy Tech as well as a Serv Safe certification that will last 5 years which presently every restaurant now needs one certified food service manager on staff at all times. There are also plenty of chances for developing leadership skills such as how to be a head chef and planning culinary labs. We also utilize food and marketing skills, we do business cost purchasing where we travel to the local market and purchase our ingredients for use in culinary class. There is plenty of cooking time preparing breakfast foods as well as main dishes and meal planning focusing on the nutrition standards in the food service industry. 

Culinary Arts II- Pastries- The Baking and Pastries class also has a chance of earning a Serv Safe Certification as well as dual credits from Ivy Tech. This class is focused on baking items such as; Cinnamon Rolls, bread, cookies, pies and cake decorating. 

This program also offers a chance to be part of a culinary team that participates in Indiana Pro Start competitions. These competitions are generally held in Muncie for a chance at winning scholarships for Sullivan University and Johnson and Wales Culinary Schools. Students have a fun time networking with other students on these 3 day trips. 

If you are interested in this program, please contact me at